
Expert advice and ideas on how your business can implement mobile marketing and make the most of business SMS.

How can technology help the NHS during the COVID-19 outbreak

At TextAnywhere we believe that the introduction of technology can help to support the NHS and its patients during what some are calling it's toughest challenge in a generation. Learn how different communication technology, can be used to relieve pressure on healthcare organisations.

How technology can help restaurants during COVID-19

Many hospitality businesses have opted to offer food delivery and take-out services, in a bid to continue supporting their local community in a safe way. But to do this successfully, businesses need to communicate details of their new offering and related protocols in an effective way and this is where SMS can help.

How to increase online sales: advice for retailers struggling with store closures

As with all successful businesses, the ability to adapt to external circumstances and customer behaviour is vital, here we have outlined some advice for retailers struggling with store closures amidst the coronavirus crisis.

Remote learning: How technology and communication can be used to aid education during this uncertain time

How can parents best educate and entertain their children during this time? Home schooling may be a daunting prospect for parents and carers, but thankfully there is a growing list of support being made available and we've outlined a few of the tips and free educational resources we've found.

3 steps to ensure business continuity in a crisis

The overwhelming difference between successful and unsuccessful crisis management is planning. This post identifies the best practices for SMEs to ensure companies emerge from a crisis unscathed.

How to successfully manage remote teams

Business continuity is likely a top priority for businesses at the moment and here we have highlighted a few key points that you can focus on, to ensure that having a remote workforce will have minimal impact on your business.

Best practice guide: Creating a business continuity plan

Put simply, a business continuity plan (BCP) ensures a company can continue to function as normal in the event of a disaster. In this post, we detail 6 steps your company can follow to create your own BCP.

The role of personalisation in customer communication

Personalisation has a significant impact on the success of communications. So much so, that 75% of marketers believe customisation of customer messages leads to a higher click through rate. Learn which areas your brand should be focusing on to maximise your customer communications today.

The changing landscape of customer service

Given that 81% of service professionals believe that their customer service needs to transform, to remain competitive. Learn which areas your business should prioritise to ensure this transformation is successful.

Customer feedback: The secret to the growth of your business

KPMG recently reported that customer retention is the most significant revenue driver for retailers, learn how your business can optimise their retention strategy today.

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