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Expert advice and ideas on how your business can implement mobile marketing and make the most of business SMS.

Using SMS Marketing Messages to Drive Loyalty & Retention

If you want to retain customers and drive customer loyalty you may need to up your game and invest in a good sms marketing platform. SMS marketing messages are the most preferred method of communication for customers now. 84% of Brits…

The top 10 reasons to use SMS for healthcare 

There are around 15 million GP appointments missed every year due to no-shows and last-minute cancellations and only 5% of cancellations are made in time for another patient to fill the slot.This is an ongoing problem across a variety of healthcare…

Use SMS marketing to grow your beauty business 

The beauty industry is currently still emerging in terms of technology. It has been a very traditional craft that has relied mainly on a high street presence and word-of-mouth. Over the last couple of years and after a worldwide pandemic, we…

SMS marketing: The crawl walk run approach

It’s no secret that sms marketing is quickly overtaking other digital marketing communication channels and traditional methods of advertising. It is now the leading marketing platform. Not only is it cheaper to send out a text message, but it’s far more…

6 Astounding SMS marketing statistics

It’s no secret that marketing is changing. There has been a dramatic shift in the way consumers prefer to be contacted. These days, it’s all about convenience and being present. Whilst some marketers and businesses remain skeptical, we think that the…

6 non-promotional SMS marketing tips

Sms marketing is rapidly evolving into a leading marketing platform. Not only is it cheaper to send out a text message, but it’s far more likely to reach your target audience than any other channel. An sms marketing strategy when compared…

SMS spoofing explained and ways to avoid it

Technology-based fraud is nothing new. Before internet-related and mobile phone frauds, it may have been easier to spot such misdemeanors as landline, postal and in-person scams were nowhere near as sophisticated, nor was our access to large amounts of money. According…

SMS Marketing: How the Advertising Industry Benefits

Advertisers and marketers have quickly worked out how to score the quickest and most successful engagement with their target audience. To be a good advertiser, you need to sit apart from the rest and be able to develop marketing campaigns to…

10 SMS Marketing myths debunked

At TextAnywhere we can be sure that sms marketing works and although we help a lot of customers every year to make the transition from traditional methods of marketing over to the unrivalled success of sms marketing campaigns, we can’t understand…

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