New Year, New Home – How to successfully utilise SMS Marketing in the property sector.

13 January 2016


As we welcome the new year, many of us will be looking for or considering a fresh start. A popular New Year’s resolution is a new home. Reasons vary from being a first time buyer, circumstances have changed, simply wanting a change of scenery or selling and moving abroad.

Research shows people searching for “houses for sale” and property services maintain a high consistency of results throughout the year, but the biggest spike and busiest time is January!


Text message marketing offers great value and speed to market for the property sector with figures showing a text messages has a 95% open rate compared to just 20% for emails. Here are just a few ways on how businesses in the property sector can successfully utilise SMS Marketing and gain competitive advantage whilst reducing costs.

Bulk SMS Notifications

By using the TextAnywhere Text Campaign service, thousands of clients can be alerted at once when a property becomes available on the market. Sending bulk SMS messages can save time on phone calls/voicemails and emails, which have a low open rate compared to SMS. Send a simple text message which includes the relevant details of the property along with a contact telephone number to call and/or a URL to your web site. With 90% of text messages are read within 3 minutes of receiving them, your potential buyers can be contacting you in an instant! It is also possible for people within your database of contacts to reply to the message to either register their interest or forward the SMS onto someone they know who may be interested.

SMS Reminders

When dealing with individual clients/buyers directly, TextAnywhere TextOnline tool would be easy to implement. Missed appointments can be reduced by sending out a simple, cost-efficient text-message reminder. Once a sale is made then TextOnline could be adopted to keep both vendor and buyer updated on sales progress. Furthermore the service could be used by property management companies to keep tenants updated when rent is due or regarding maintenance of the property, reducing the cost to send individually addressed letters and emails.

Customer Surveys

Text Survey could be used for new buyers or people recently added to your database of contacts. By creating a text message based survey property companies are able to gather rich information regarding their customer’s needs including property size/type, location and budget. This would help minimise meetings and offer quick and efficient service to the potential buyer before even meeting them!

These are just a few ways on how to successfully utilise SMS Marketing with TextAnywhere’s services. For more details about TextAnywhere or if you require additional information about how SMS Marketing can benefit your organisation please contact us today at  0845 122 1302 or email us at [email protected].


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